You have 1 year from the date of injury to file a claim!
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A passenger who has been injured aboard a Holland America cruise ship or during an onshore excursion or tour can bring a claim for compensation against Holland America under federal maritime law.
Operators of cruise ships owe their passengers a duty to excercise reasonable care to protect them from injury. Because many cruise ship passengers are unfamiliar with shipboard life and equipment, injuries can happen. Slippery decks, unsafe gangways, rough weather, unsecured furnishings and defective or broken equipment can cause serious injuries.
Your cruise ship ticket contains a statute of limitations and venue clause that states that any claim for injuries aboard a Holland America cruise ship must be brought within one (1) year of the date of injury in the United States District Court in Seattle, Washington. This contractual statute of limitation and venue clause has been uniformly enforced by the courts.
If you have been injured aboard a cruise ship, do not delay in contacting a qualified maritime lawyer to discuss your case. One of The Geisness Law Firm's chief areas of practice is bringing such claims on behalf of injured cruise ship passengers. Contact us for a free initial consultation regarding your claim.